As Christians, it is our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources that God has given us. This includes our financial resources, i.e., money.

Saving and Investing

We know that commercial banks are no longer paying proper interest on savings accounts. Many of us are not financially prepared (or preparing) for retirement. Unanticipated emergencies – car repairs, medical issues, etc. – might wipe out any savings we have, or even leave us in debt.

In our upcoming seminar we will discuss various aspects of financial planning, including insurance, potential investments, and principles for saving.

Wills and Estate Planning

Death is inevitable for all of us. Yet so often we do not leave our affairs in order. This can fuel conflict among survivors. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In our upcoming seminar an attorney will walk us through the basics of creating a will. This is intended to help us leave our loved ones in a better position when we are gone.


If this interests you, join us on Friday, June 14th @ 7pm in the St. Luke’s Parish Hall, Rock Sound.


Bahamas Government Registered Stock (BGRS)

Kareem Cox (Central Bank of The Bahamas)


Menishca Barr (Family Guardian)

Principles of Saving and Investing

Allison Dean (St. Luke’s Parish)

Wills and Estate Planning

Terri Bellot (Attorney-at-law)